14 janvier 2025
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Withdraw your money with Google Adsense: What are your credentials?

You need to communicate Adsense identifiers with the MTCN to the Teller agent.

Google Adsense is a web-based application program run by Google « through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google » (Wikipedia).

Adsense was officialy launched in 2003. Advertisements come from another program called Google AdWords. Web publishers pay and submit their adverts composed by text, images and videos to the platform and now the Adsense program broadcast those adverts on websites which have done registrations before in order to publish Ads. The program is perform by some indicators. I will explain it in a further post. You can keep in mind that these are: Page views – Page RPM revenue per thousand impressions – Impressions – Clicks – CPC The cost-per-click and Page CTR Clickthrough rate.

Google Adsense Performance

Since years 2000, many Adsense « Workers » Program from african countries can be paid through Western Union. They have to provide The Question Test and the Answer with MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) set by Western Union in your adsense account. Generally the Question Test is Billing ID but Answer differs from users. Follow these steps to get the answer of the Question test. Inside your Google Adsense account Click on : Payments. Go to Manage Settings and see Payments profile under Payments profile ID, you have the Answer. 14 digits

So, before going to Western Union office, three informations are essentials: The MTCN, the Billing ID and the Answer. And you will get paid. Your paiement will be processed by Google Asia Pacific, Google Ireland or Google Inc. Its depends from your geographic area.

Adsense Receipt

Your payment was processed by: Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA.
Your payment was processed by: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Your payment was processed by: Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 8 Marina View Asia Square 1 #30-01, Singapore 018960.

1 Comment

  • EMMANUEL NGUELANG 28 août 2021


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